Friday, January 29, 2016

2016, What Should I Do?

Rows and rows of questions lined up on a crumbled piece of paper, neglected, nay, abandoned since the day I wrote it. Yes, it was easy to write every single thing that we might do in the future. Hopes and dreams we thought achievable, promises we probably able to keep, expectations we made with full optimism. Yes, we put ourselves in a position that might survive the next following future. We IMAGINED ourselves to survive. But sometimes, like Forrest Gump said, life is just like a box of chocolate, filled with happiness and tenderness and satisfaction, just before we opened the lid and realize there was no chocolate inside except a stack of bills and mortgages.

Life is like a kinder joy, full with prices and world peace..
Well, I haven't watched Forrest Gump, so, yeah.


Like I said earlier, we might made lists of long hopes and dreams and projects and businesses and startups. Yes, there are possibilities it might work, but remember there are also possibilities that it might bunk, crash to ground. Fifty-fifty chance. Just like YinYang. Just like Murphy's Law. Anything could happen.


In another nutshell, I also created a list, fill with projects and hopes and dreams. Why I create it? I don't know. I think it was a human instinct to be alerted and aware that we already planned our future ahead and prepared for it, how matter flipped out it will be. As long as we have goals and purposes, I think, human would still alive for aeons.

This list filled with what I want to do and what should I do. A combination of ego and role of society compiled into one, single sheet of paper, scribbled in the middle of the night, with a pen I took from a hotel.

What I wrote here, might be an inspiration to you, the reader, but the main idea was this post will become my reminder, my time-schedule, in achieving something on that far distance future. Some sort of neglected wishlist that won't be decayed or the ink will be ruined by water or faded. A silent supporter in life.

  1. Of course, I started with looking for a job. This one is crucial. I'm almost 25 and haven't got a single job.The only job I ever had was several years ago, as a mentor in a private course, teaching economy and English for Elementary kids to senior high ones.
  2. I want to optimizing my youtube channel. All this time, that channel only filled with liked videos, bunch of music playlists and nothing else. I wanted to make a gaming channel, but my computer was too weak to played recent games. The only possible channel I might make is a channel where I giving some review on artbooks. In Bahasa of course. My english wasn't that good. So I might buy some artbooks, local ones and abroad ones, if I have sufficient money.
  3. Finishing my novel, and find a publishing company that might attracted to my script. It's some sort of slash-of-life-weird-ones-Murakami-esque one, without hard-boiling love story. The bad part is, Indonesian's reader, which are mostly teenagers, much preferred love stories than any possible genre. Or maybe horror. Love story and horror. Two combination that appear frequently on Best Seller's rack.
  4. Find a girlfriend.
That's it. Such a short list of what I want and should do in this 2016. The year of Fire Monkey. Well, lets hope, the fire won't burn my world then.